
The Best Kept Secret

May I remind you all that my ĺife has been like a see-saw all through. Meaning never steady yet an accomplisher mashallah. Be that my academic, career or failed conjugal life. On the hind sight the temporary setbacks were nothing but relearning opportunities, although at times they were part of deep rooted complex conspiracies against the religion, country and high potential individuals evaluated at all sophisticated local and international levels. A deep rooted retard vision implementation through the axis of evil comprised of several sorcery sharing evil loving regional and international radicals and Islam hating nations from all directions of the globe gathered under one umbrella of an audacious authority. Over the last two decades mashallah their masks have been gradually removed and plans were crushed like pests under the feet of truth. Alhamdulillah a complete, uncompromised, non-ceremonial victory continues by the faithfuls over the humiliated combined force of ill intended “friends”.

Although the price paid so far by me can simply be described as brutally and cleverly set incalculable one. Cover up protected by specially the western media/ social sites active censorship along with the masked faces of innocence mixed see no evil, do no evil drama acts of the governments of the perpetrators. For they hold the most grudges against me – starting from their failure to enslave me to be their robbery partner, which they call global investment banking. Having failed in that then unable to falsely portray me a bin laden like entrapped and falsely accused Muslim. Thus giving the word Muslims meaning nothing other than terrorists characters. As I look back all that I could gather out of these outrageously ridiculous nonsense and plots one after another involving my private and professional lives interchangeably to make me a dog like themselves, is nothing but lunatic acts of some nincompoops, shameless liars who wanted either to use me or hide behind me. All these waste of my time and their power wielding either personal gains or so called national purpose are to be summed up as in a few words what an investment banker (treasurer) would say to his trader, who had a tough day to keep looking forward not backwards and use the experience as a learning curve. There were no merits or underlying fundamentals but bad education and whims of some unscrupulous across several borders. Idiots who wanted to destroy the economies by showing “irrational exuberance” on the plans of some wreckless policymakers and their pets which includes jinns, shaytwan ones.

If u chart my life, the moving average trend line will Inshallah be drawn upward. I am not proud but fearfull of Allah. And thankful that He has given me the opportunity to relook at the bigger picture of meaning of life in a deeper and rational way. Also taught me to hate and keep distance from arrogance, hypocrisy and bigotry. Inshallah I will wait for a total triumphant day when these doggy dogs world creating menaces are punished through transparent justice. Love you all. Best wishes to you and your loved ones.

21 years All to deaf ears

By Munir


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