Wot! Sky is a Dome!


Used as the medical sciences prime text book in Europe.

Written in 24/5/15. Reposted,  17/4/15

Just by inventing a cute phrase embedding nuisance  logic controversy into human minds,  asking “chicken or egg?” (meaning which one was created first, as if knowing the answer can create creators monkies that they claim themselves), shytwans have successfully created confusion in millions of humans minds including muslims & engaged some dung brained brilliant scientists to keep the hoax alive. By ivy league english (when writings can impress u to such extents that after reading the impressive GIGO researches u r guaranteed to forget the mission & purpose of ur life as a muslim) & derivatives types shrewd accounting & financial frauds (citibank na after rewarding putin through capital mkts scam showing they also took hit put out an internal memo to all its treasurers & derivatives bizness heads to b xtra cautious about derivatives bcoz “these highly complex instruments & transactions can only  b understood by only few within the bank”,  probably the highest recruiters of ivy leaguers. Wow! U know wot the exec vp of the bank & also the global head of derivatives at that time dipak rastogi with a gun pointed at his million dollar  priced head (with no manners wotsoever),  i can guarantee dipak can explain the shytwans buddy putins then every six month russian financial mkt meltdown derivatives  to even the chaiwala modi.

The arragements to keep putin in power (will someone please collect comeys arrangement with trump & putin financed thru indian raw & throw the truth telling diversions in the ganga river bcoz beimg a hindu ajit paes corpes will end up there. No regrets that pakistani isi’s opportunism to look at ways to underestimate, b unfair,  turned into a rediculous muslim country shovenistic with bangladesh to revenge the slap that they received DIRECTLY FROM ALLAH in 1971. Anyone who read & understood the quran will understand my above warning to this islam destroyer, allmost transgressor nation. They r  covertly earning vogobans blessings & commissions pretending to b my “sorcerers” (also Iran) protectors. Mashallah! Where did u two find this islamic republic version? Did u two open ambessies in jerusalem, israel?

If divers I on etween ories – nothing but lies after lies making up some false base line assumptions & having them  changed in  consultation & collusion with their corrupt governments. highest accredations & allmost limitless fundings  as uch anti qur’an & sunnah sciences r imposed “under death threats on the entire human race” by crusade like baseless faith bombarded by not only shytwans waswasa (the act through which shytwans  whispers non-stop into human minds to mislead them) but also with its through brenton-woods created absolutely baseless, unsustainable & faithless economic & immoral military powers. propaganda  ss for how many hundreds of yrs, only allah knows better.

They will allways.create phrases, isms – political philosophies, discussions, harrassments,  tortures, coersions, blackmail, threats, war et al as they feel necessary for promoting shytwan  & its causes.  they think they owe this to their “buddy n god” for making them richer then their merits. No disagreement or doubts by me on that, besides clearly explained in quran & sunnahs about kafirs (non-believers) & shytwans collusion in duniya (materialistic world).

The unprecedented bombardments of gross culture & uncontrolled nudity into our lives & in all areas of the society thru all sorts of medias like cable tv, i-nets, boxtops, movies, radios, dvds, cell fons etc. have become u name the technology, we got it with pornos. in how many different innovative ways is indeed somewot mind boggling.  The con master of temptations creator iblis n its gang has got in its arsenal the most lethal, fast n effective technology in the human history 2 use against human bings 2 take them far away fm islam n turn them in2 perverts n then let them go.astray.

If we can’t find a way to STOP it &  reverse it then we are bound to b a stupid retard philosophy driven shytwans hypocratic “in god ( where god means everything that is lie, filth, extremely disturbing  evil practises, exploitation of the weak & poor, most that are unacceptable 2 humanity on grounds of ethics, morality n decency) we trust”. all say no bilieve a bully country like usa & its shadow nation uk .

Wot r we fearing, who r we fearing 2 fear Allah n 2 obey his orders which r unchangeable till the day of kiyamat? in 1400 yrs technology has changed (that is also bcoz allah alone decides when 2 give which technology, he didnt teach people 2 first make rocket then goru gari) but nothing changed in the software or hardware engineering of human bings. Now i ask the west n its covert operators “atels” in this country why wont sharia law b equally acceptable 2day like 1400 yrs ago, since u people say it is good for people 1400 yrs ago – who were same people like u. moreover, allah promises thru quran that he will never change the religion (bcoz it wont b necessary as he is not going 2 change our soft or hardwares, quran 30:30). The only thing that changed between then n now is some shytwans law made by humans 2 destroy islam n protect god-damned shrewd gafels like u. whose primary job is w/o knowing the facts create a very abnoxious duniya loving west backed anti islamic clan. these r elements of absolutely nonsense (although holding fancy degrees fm fancy named universities which r nothing but training grounds of aethism) shytwan loving peoples that always clings around the power core 2 make sure islam has no chance.

Well i hav a msg for u all “little learning is dangerous” atels. The western scientists whose few discoveries r making u feel ashamed 2 b bangladeshi n 2 hide yor weird inferior complexcity u hav bcome a fearless of allah n shameless foreign agent 2 yor fellow countryman, n worst yet yor god scientists (whom u thot had reached sidratul muntaha, which according 2 quran is the last limit of human knowledge, is the place described by.hazrat mohammad (saw) over the 7th heaven with a huge tree whose leaves r large like elephants ears. Hazrat gibril (alaihis salam) cud accompany the prophet up2 sidratul muntaha n had 2 return fm there, leaving the prophet underneath the described tree. This was the auspicious day allah had invited hazrat mohammad (saw) 2 meet him 1 to 1, mashallah the only human honored 2 meet allah during lifetime). Due 2 this somewot long n necesaary historical bakground we have slipped away a little bit fm the latest confessions

Now getting bak where we left, yor god scientists now equipped with much advanced science n technology hav started admitting that so far wotever they hav discovered is just like taking a peek here or taking a peek there in an unimaginably vast area. i add 2 that nothing discovered so far conflicts with the signs in quran n that is only  talking about  1st of the 7 heavens they were referring 2..scientists keep yor car batteries charged n head lites ready bcoz the next heavens wont probably b well lit by all sorts of celestial bodies bsides 1st heavens lites will b blocked by the dome over 1st sky.

atels, in absence of scientific proof wont u go bak 2 yor worst than religjously blind mollahs acts n add a new item there under topic ridiculous quran – dome? wot dome!  then start off yor prime time tv/ radio slots of educating us about the engineering marvels like superdome in new orleans, louisiana, us of a n wembly stadium dome in london, uk – n concluding no 1 else has got so much monkey egineering brains like these 2 n since their space project confirmed that they havnt “yet” undertook the project (taking opportunity 2 keep provisions just in case something indeed found in the futute, they can.invade n take possession of it………..), so their demeaning allah phrase saga continues n 2 them n thru them  the meaning of islam remains all bearded n mollahs who will never get over tall tale making islamic bullshits.

its really heartening 2 c in a society they hav created 2 uphold justice by saying n practicing truth, they say.  but c how biased, untrue n discriminatory they r 2 wards islam, shamelessly repetitively.  as if their lifelines will b cut off if they spoke about the truth w/o even accepting islam in2 their lives.

we cant hope much  cooperation fm the kafirs, so i urge majority muslim countries 2 encourage public  private universities n research organizations, software bizness entities 2 puf some extra efforts in2 islamization of all these technologies  bcoz allmost all of these  products hav inshallah tremendous potential  2wards benefitting humanitys as well as islams cause.  islamic  countries should significantly increase their r & d cobtributions in protecting the islamic borders.  wot is going on now is a very elabotate shytwans scheme 2 destroy the borders of islamic countries by majing us fall for filth kafir cultures   then we loose our seperate identity of a islamic country  n the kafirs start ruling us.  allH has made it mandatory for every muslims 2 defend their muslim countries border.  it is mentioed in the quran n thus a farj (mandatory act) for every muslims.we shud all think hard n deep in bow 2 perfod. our garj responsibility wbich is bing calle a  ultural invasaion, actually nothing  lbut a full flaged invasion of the information age.

if u hav meritorius kids en ourage them 2 ztudy in computer engineerjng or science.  the govt shud take a  pgm 2 increase the scholarship fund significantly for both public n private universities
over the next 10 yrs for meritorious and/ or  needy srudents also provide best lecturers opportunity n scholarships 2 improve their pgming skills.

finally, may allah help us, guide us in this battle against indecency n kufri.


By Munir


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